Step by step formula to DXN success

From basic to advanced level People join DXN because they see a solution to their needs and problems. But what happens after a few months or few years? They are no longer using the products or are no longer active in the system. Do you think their problems have been solved? No. Then what happened? The biggest problem of network marketing industry in general is RETENTION---why people leave their companies. If the new and old members follow this step by step formula, I feel strongly that they will remain in the system and of course their needs for which they initially joined will be fulfilled: 1. Use all the products and become product of the product (so that they see the benefits and have testimonials) 2. Talk and share about the benefit of the products, with the intention of helping them (the most important thing is when they are ready to consume the products, take time out to tell them how to use the product and share more benefits coupled with testimonials) 3. Make big...