
Showing posts from April, 2015

One World, One Market.

(DXN Global Offices, Virtual Service Centers and Facilitators)     “Network Marketing is a tremendous way to cross boundaries and eliminate prejudice. It gives you the opportunity to deal with your global neighbors. It doesn’t really matter whether you speak the language or whether you eat differently or pray differently.”                                                                                                                          - Dr. Denis Waitley   My Story My global DXN business took me from Dubai to Nepal to China and Philippines in the east. To the West I travelled to Ethiopia, Kenya, and Sudan, and almost all over Europe. Across the Atlantic, I went from Peru in the south to Mexico, USA and Canada in the north. The world became one big global village for me. If your Network is located in many countries, you could well imagine where you can travel and expand your business. This is all what travel freedom is all about. The “One World, One Market” concept in DXN

Strength & Competitive Edge Of DXN
