2016 Goal Setting for Networkers

2016 is right around the corner and once again we will sit down and see what we did and like all previous years, write a new set of goals--only to see them going to the trash can after a month or two. Why? Another New Year means another New Year resolution! After making so many resolutions, why are we exactly in the same place as we have been for many years. We are stuck. I will be specific in this blog and talk about Network Marketing business. After being in the industry for more than a decade and coaching thousands of networkers, I have found the following reasons as to why goals are not achieved: Ambiguity in writing the goals. Clarity and simplicity are the solution to setting goals. Having too many goals. The focus is to have one high priority goal. Not setting practical target dates for achieving them. Setting a realistic time frame to achieve the goal will keep your motivation alive. Ill discipline. Only and only disciplined people see what they write is implemented i...