And the Oscar goes to….

You must be thinking what has DXN and our business to do with the Academy Awards.
I had read an article by John David Mann many years ago, where he spoke about Network Marketing at the Oscars. There are good movies and there are Oscar nominated movies. The good thing about these movies is that there are always some message, which we can use in our life and business. Oh, I love watching good movies. Films, every Networker ought to see are as follows :
1. Door to Door (2002). An amazing story about the real life business: who you are and not what you sell.
2. The Last Samurai (2003). One of the famous movies in which Tom Cruise has a stick fight with his opponent and is badly beaten. But later practices the skills and when he encounters the master Samurai fighter again, this time the fight ends in a tie. He could achieve this level of excellence because of his practice and focus, which led to him being on par with his powerful opponent.
3. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992). The movie revolves around cold calling, which every Networker fears from.
4. Mumford (1999). In our business, listening intently is one of the skills everyone should have. This movie deals with listening and why it is so important in our life.
The 84th Academy Award went to the silent movie; “The Artist” and in the entire movie, Jean Dujardin hardly uttered any words and yet got the best leading actor award. What gave him this big award---his expressions and body language. At the end of the day, it is your body language which counts, people see you, not what you say or sell but how you say it and more importantly what intention you have behind those words.
Enjoy watching good movies and you will always find some message which you can get connected to.
Image: Idea go /
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