How to lose weight naturally?
Overweight and obesity is a critical public health problem. Many advanced countries are paying billions of $ annually (only USA pays over 100 billion $ per annum) in problems associated with overweight and obesity alone. Many people want to reduce weight but do not know how. Some people think that by just walking they can reduce weight. But there is more to it. Those who are serious to reduce weight are struggling and paying hundreds of $ but not getting any results.
After being in the wellness industry and coaching 100s of people, I have designed a simple 6 step formula to lose weight.
1. Mindset and commitment to lose weight.
2. Exercise, related to weight loss. Simplest and easiest exercise is just walking for 40 mins per day but here also you need to know the correct walking skills.
2. Exercise, related to weight loss. Simplest and easiest exercise is just walking for 40 mins per day but here also you need to know the correct walking skills.
3. Food--what to eat and not to eat, how much to eat, when to eat and what to do after eating: “You are what you eat.”
4. Drink--what to drink and not to drink, when to drink water and not drink water, how much to drink: “Your body cries for water”
5. Understanding body metabolism. Why a lot of children and old people put on weight?
6. Consuming the right DXN food supplements
Maintaining a normal weight is vital for overall health. If people maintain their correct BMI (body mass index), the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke will be drastically reduced.
Image: zirconicusso /
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