Leaders are Readers

We have heard so many times that leaders are not born but made. How leaders are made and what they do, others don’t?  Out of myriads of leadership traits, all great leaders are avid readers. Reading inspires them with ideas & fills them with enthusiasm and energy. Most CEOs of Fortune 500 companies read an average of 4 books a month. 

Leadership is a discipline and is all about leading. But the question is how to lead? One of the best ways to do this is by reading. Let me be frank to share that after my engineering degree in 1979, I only read technical books and that too because of my job. Now I read at least one book every month. If you want to make a difference and become a successful leader, read at least 5 pages per day and you will see the difference.

In DXN there are lots of leaders who are not highly educated but have improved themselves tremendously. My friend Chris Gross from Networking Times University says “Education changes everything”-so true.  Reading and education go hand in glove. After over 9 years in DXN, I have learned a few things in the area of business and personal growth. Thanks to DXN.   

My  top 5 recommended books in 2 areas are :

Business (Direct Selling/Network Marketing)

1. The Greatest Networkers in the World 
     by John Milton Fogg

2. Business School by Robert Kiyosaki

3. The New Professionals 
     by Dr Charles King and James Robinson

4. Your Best Year in Network Marketing 
     by Mark Yarnell

5. Copy Cat Marketing 101 by Burke Hedges

Personal Growth

1. How to Win Friends & Influence People
     by Dale Carnegie

2. Everybody Communicates, Few Connect 
     by John C. Maxwell

3. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

4. How to Have Confidence & Power in Dealing    
     with People by Les Giblin

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
     by  Steven Covey 

My request  to all of you is to invest in learning and make good books your eternal friends and you will enjoy life and DXN.

Happy reading!!!

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