2013 and Beyond

2013 is around the corner and again some of us sit down contemplating how fast 2012 has slipped away. Those of you who have achieved your goals are happy with your life. But there are many who say, "I am exactly in the same place, more or less, after 2012."
    "Did you write your goal?"
If yes,  
 "Did you seriously work on it?"
 If you have worked, were you accountable to somebody (coach or mentor) for your progress?

For 2013, I thought I would share some golden ideas of my mentor, Jim Rohn.

1.Work harder on yourself than you do your job.

2. Learn to find good people.

3. Getting people to work together and then saying let's do it together


4.Power of Recognition & Inspiring other people.

5.Learning communication - training, teaching, and setting  goal

In order to succeed in life, it is important to set goals. You can find some answers in my blog post on goals : 

Now I would like to watch and make notes on a few tips shared by Jim Rohn on Goal Setting : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuObJcgfSQA

 " Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person, not what you pursue" Jim Rohn.
See you in 2013!


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