Impact and Importance of Network Marketing Events

An event is defined as an occurrence of some importance. There are many different types of network marketing events, including seminars, product launch event, leadership camp, conferences or yearly recognition night. These events are one of the pillars of our business because our business is done through word of mouth, either online or offline, but the real impact is felt when one attends these events. 
I have seen over the years that events in Network Marketing are taken lightly, which should not be the case. There are 4 key reasons why networkers should attend all events:

  1. Motivation
  2. Learning
  3. Networking
  4. Business

Network marketing revolves around motivation and all events leave a big impact on the mind of audience. Companies usually launch new products or share their future plans of opening new offices in new countries. Everyone wants to be recognized and there is no place better than to be in an event on the stage, and be recognized in front of 1000s of people. The motivation one gets by standing on the stage to be recognized by the CEO is simply awesome. The feeling at that time is much more than what you get in the form of money. 



There are 2 types of learning experienced at these events:

  1. Theoretical
  • President / CEO of a company give facts about where the company started, where it is now, and where it will be in the future.
  • Products, where scientists and researchers talk about ingredients and benefits of the products. All these data build confidence in the mind of networkers, in case a time arises where you are asked technical questions by doctors or government officials, you should satisfy them with all relevant data

    1. Practical
    • You must make sure to get your challenges answered by the top leaders. The success stories, skill sets, and testimonials of achievers show you a road map to how you can also be an achiever.
    • Personal development helps networkers learn by interacting with leaders—right from the way they talk, dress or move, helping new comers change their mindset and belief about the industry.


    Since leaders from all over the world congregate, this is the best place to connect with people whom you have seen in pictures on Facebook or YouTube. You build relationships and of course learn what those top achievers do to become highly successful. Make sure to get their contacts. Also you make connection with other members from different cities and country, but remember, you do not do prospecting with them, but only build a professional relationship. 


    These events help all guests/prospects get the knowledge, raise their credibility, and belief in what you have been saying. At the end of the day, you want more consumers in your business and such events allow you to do that! 


    What and why, you as a distributor/leader of your network marketing company should do?

    1. Promote the event as much as you can.
    2. Make sure you and your members buy the tickets and attend the event with your entire team.
    3. As a leader, your presence with your team will induce a positive impact on your business.
    4. Your bonus and your rank in coming months will rise. 

    What should you do after the events?

    1. Write down what motivated you at the event. This same motivation will fuel your work for the coming months
    2. The next day, read all the notes, looking for new things you learned at the event.
    3. Based on what you have learned, create an action plan and immediately implement it.
    4. Follow up with people you networked with.
    5. Set a new goal for how you and your team will work with the new vision.
    6. Gather all your team leaders and exchange notes, focusing on their new goals

    Conclusion:The success of networkers revolves around events. In my opinion, attending events should not be an option, but be a MUST for all, whether they are new members or leaders.


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